Tic Tac Toe Part 3

Modules - CSE2110 Procedural Programming 1, CSE 2120 Data Structures


Teacher’s Notes:


Students find this to be a fun activity in that they are challenged to write an automated program to compete with another student's automated program. 

They may need access to the internet to research how to play Tic Tac Toe in the right way so that you never lose.

The nature of this part of the project means that there is no specific solution.





Computer Science 2: 

JAVA ~ Arrays 

Tic Tac Toe Part 3:

Tic Tac Toe is a solved game.  This means that there is a way to play the game such that you will either win or tie every time.  In this phase of the project, you are to re-write the computer AI (artificial intelligence) so that it plays the game in the solved way.  This method may be different when the computer plays X and when the computer plays O. 


Partner with a classmate and share your AI methods with each other.  You should modify your program so that your AIs play against each other.  Loop the program so that it runs 1000 times and see if one of your AI methods ever wins!